
Laser hair removal

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Laser hair removal in Ternopil

Laser hair removal is gaining momentum every day - a hardware procedure that allows you to get rid of excess vegetation on any part of the body or face. Medical Center Viasan, as always, offers the best - the multifunctional Motus AY laser from the leader of the European market, the Italian company Deka.

Advantages of laser hair removal with Motus AY from Deka in the Medical Center Viasan

Laser epilation of the face, hands, abdomen, intimate areas, back, legs and other areas is available to visitors of the center, including for men.

The procedure is performed by experienced dermatovenerologist doctors, completely painless and comfortable, using a new medical laser. The result is guaranteed!

Specialists of the center use the innovative Moveo dynamic laser hair removal technology, the main advantages of which are:

  • easy processing of any area, including the most sensitive (bikini, face, armpits);
  • suitable for both women and men;
  • high efficiency with any skin tone and hair color;
  • tanning is allowed before and after the procedure.

As the manufacturer emphasizes: "With Moveo, all restrictions are in the past!"

Other laser procedures available at Medical Center Viasan:

  • removal of neoplasms;
  • removal of vessels of various diameters and colors (hemangiomas, vascular meshes, telangiectasias, couperosis, rosacea);
  • treatment of acne;
  • treatment of onychomycosis (nail fungus);
  • removal of pigment spots;
  • laser rejuvenation.

Medical Center Viasan is an effective and safe solution to aesthetic problems.

You have the right to enjoy your appearance!

More detailed information can be obtained by phone:

+38 (098) 452-55-58; +38 (095) 252-55-58 (Ternopil, 12 Medova St.)

+38 (098) 983-95-58; +38 (050) 983-95-58 (Kremenets, Shevchenka St., 89)