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Daily ECG and blood pressure monitoring

Daily ECG and blood pressure monitoring in Ternopil

Daily ECG and blood pressure monitoring is a popular method of functional diagnostics that allows to record fluctuations in blood pressure and changes in the electrocardiogram within 24 hours. It provides comprehensive information about the state of the cardiovascular system in conditions of various physical and emotional activities. Indicators are recorded using a miniature portable device (Holter), which is fixed on the patient's body.

It has no contraindications, is comfortable for a patient, and its results are crucial for diagnosis and rational therapy.

Daily ECG and blood pressure monitoring in Ternopil can be done at the Viasan Medical Centre by appointment.

Hospital stay is optional.

The essence of the study

The essence of the method is to continuously measure and record the electrical activity of the heart, periodic (after 15-30 minutes) measurement of blood pressure during the day. The received data are recorded and stored by the registrar. Holter diagnosis does not affect the patients’ usual lifestyle. They can work, rest, take medication, play sports, walk, etc.

The main condition is to fix all episodes of unpleasant sensations from the heart, taking and dosing medicines, the nature of physical and emotional activity in a special diary.

The complex Holter allows:

  • to examine the heart rhythm during the day and treat the slightest disturbances;
  • to diagnose latent arrhythmias that occur periodically or under certain circumstances;
  • to identify the connection between arrhythmias and changes in blood pressure;
  • to diagnose painful and painless myocardial ischemia;
  • to identify the causes of unconsciousness and the connection between angina pectoris attacks and high blood pressure;
  • to investigate the causes of hypertension and the degree of its reduction due to treatment.

The results of comprehensive daily monitoring are more reliable, they are not affected by the stress of visiting the hospital, which is important for emotional patients.


Holter monitoring of ECG and blood pressure is prescribed in case of:

  • hypertension with a crisis course;
  • episodes of dizziness, fainting;
  • shortness of breath;
  • various heart rhythm disorders;
  • atypical pain in the heart.
  • history of myocardial infarction;
  • congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathies;
  • evaluation the parameters of the pacemaker work;
  • comprehensive examination of professional athletes;
  • preventive diagnosis of cardiovascular pathologies.


No need. Men should shave their chest hair if necessary.

The course of the procedure

Electrode sensors are attached to the patient's body, from which information about the work of the heart and blood pressure is transmitted to the recording device at a certain time within 24 hours. Data is recorded and stored. Along with the study of ECG and blood pressure dynamics, patient keeps a so-called ‘diary of well-being’ which includes necessary information about:

  • the appearance of episodes of improvement / deterioration;
  • subjective feelings of the patient (shortness of breath, pain, burning in the chest);
  • presence and duration of attacks / their absence;
  • time of reception, name, dosage of medicines;
  • type of activities (calm, physical activity, food intake, emotional state, etc.).

The data obtained from the Holter device is downloaded to the computer for analysis of the received information and objective complaints of the patient.

Because of the comparison of obvious and hidden symptoms, a reliable picture of the disease is formed, effective treatment is selected.

Daily ECG / blood pressure monitoring in Viasan: benefits

  • Modern medical centre.
  • Professional equipment.
  • Expert level specialists.
  • High-precision diagnosis in the condition of patient’s normal life.
  • Complete elimination of diagnostic error.
  • Possibility to choose the most effective therapy.
  • 24-hour ECG (Holter) monitoring 900.00 uah Make order
    24-hour blood pressure monitoring 900.00 uah Make order
    24-hour ECG (Holter) and blood pressure monitoring 1200.00 uah Make order
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функціональна діагностика, узд серця, добовий холтер моніторинг, спірографія
Halayko Yuliya
Doctor of Functional Diagnostics
years experience