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Treatment of haemorrhoids by the HAL-RAR method

Treatment of haemorrhoids under ultrasound control in Ternopil by the HAL-RAR method

Modern colorectal surgery (proctology) has destroyed all stereotypes that the treatment of haemorrhoids is very painful. In the arsenal of surgeons, there are enough effective non-surgical methods, among which the undisputed leader is desarterization of haemorrhoidal nodes under ultrasound control. 

This technique is considered to be the most advanced, has a record success rate (96%), is painless, has a low recurrence rate and lasts only 30-40 minutes. It has a wide range of indications and a minimum of contraindications.

The availability of specialists who know this technique and the appropriate equipment is an indicator of the clinic's high rating.

treatment of haemorrhoids in Ternopil HAL-RAR

Haemorrhoids can be permanently removed by the HAL-RAR method in Ternopil at Viasan MC.

What is HAL-RAR

When discussing methods of getting rid of haemorrhoids, colorectal surgeons usually use scientific terms. To make it clear to the patient, the abbreviation HAL literally means ligation of haemorrhoidal arteries.

RAR is rectal-anal reconstruction, which refers to lifting and mucopexy (additional fixation). It consists in pulling up the sagging mucous membrane and stitching it to a physiological position. The whole procedure takes place under the control of ultrasound dopplerometry.

HAL-RAR Doppler disarterization is an ultrasound-guided ligation of the terminal collaterals of haemorrhoidal arteries. It is a technique that can quickly and permanently eliminate the main cause of the disease — inflammation of haemorrhoids.


1. The possibility of visualizing with the help of an ultrasonic sensor all the arteries supplying the haemorrhoidal node.

2. Minimal invasion, the integrity of anatomical structures and functionality of the anus is preserved.

3. Complete elimination of the cause of the disease by reducing the arterial blood flow that feeds the haemorrhoidal node.

4. A wide list of indications (haemorrhoids of the 2nd-3rd stage, external, internal, combined). A minimum of contraindications.

5. Preservation of the function of the anal area, no defecation problems.

6. Short rehabilitation period (4-6 days).

How it is performed

It is carried out under any type of anaesthesia, usually regional (spinal) or local one. Ligation of arterial haemorrhoidal vessels (HAL) is used, as a rule, in the initial stages of haemorrhoids. Under anaesthesia, a device (anoscope) with a built-in small ultrasound sensor is inserted shallowly and carefully into the rectum, which converts the pulsation of the arterial vessel into a sound signal and allows the surgeon to clearly see all the vessels that supply blood to the haemorrhoidal node.

Through a small hole in the anoscope, the vessels are captured and bandaged. The bloodless arteries collapse and are later replaced by connective tissue. The late stages of the disease are extended by lifting and RAR (mucopexy) technique, as well as by fixation to the muscular wall of the anal canal of the prolapsed intestine. A special suture material is used for hemming the mucous membrane, which dissolves and does not cause inflammation. Such seams do not need to be removed.

The procedure is performed in the colorectal surgery department and on an outpatient basis. The patient is under observation for 12 hours, after the recommendations he goes home.


Treatment of external and internal haemorrhoids of the 2nd-3rd stage.


• acute paraproctitis;

• rectal fistula;

• inflammatory process in the intestine;

• thrombosis and necrosis.

Treatment of haemorrhoids according to HAL-RAR in Viasan MC

Do you want to get rid of haemorrhoids once and for all? And do without a radical operation? Consult an experienced proctologist. A competent specialist will always offer the best solution to your problem. Viasan Medical Centre has a modern colorectal surgery department in Ternopil.

• We treat all forms of haemorrhoids.

• We have the best specialists and premium equipment.

• Experience, reliability, results orientation.

проктолог тернопіль
Martsenyuk Grazhyna
Surgeon, Proctologist
years experience
хірург тернопіль
Starytsʹkyy Roman
years experience