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Mini-phlebectomy in Ternopil

Mini-phlebectomy is an effective minimally invasive surgical method for the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, which consists in removing the affected vessel through mini-punctures or mini-incisions. Subcutaneous veins carry about 5-7% of the total blood flow of the lower extremities, so the deep venous system easily adapts to a slight increase in load.

This is a gentle surgery, which makes it possible to radically eliminate the cause of the disease. It is performed under local anaesthesia, on an outpatient basis, is usually well tolerated by patients, has practically no contraindications and complications.

Mini-phlebectomy Ternopil

At Viasan MC, mini-phlebectomy is done by phlebologists

who have extensive experience in performing such surgeries.

Advantages of mini-phlebectomy

Conservative methods of treating varicose veins of the lower extremities are not always effective. Long-term medication therapy, constant wearing of compression underwear provide only temporary relief. The problem remains, the affected vessel cannot cope with its functions, the disease continues. Only radical treatment can completely remove the cause (damaged vessel).

Compared to the classical surgical intervention, mini-phlebectomy has many undeniable advantages:

• low traumatization: mini-punctures on the skin heal quickly and leave almost no scars;

• no need to stay in a hospital;

• relative age restrictions, very low risk of side effects and complications;

• easy and quick rehabilitation;

• therapeutic and aesthetic result.


Varicose veins of the lower extremities is an expansion of the subcutaneous veins, accompanied by a violation of the venous blood flow due to the failure of the vascular valves. The main symptoms indicating insufficient venous outflow are a feeling of fullness, pressure, increased sensitivity and pain in the legs, swelling.

The phlebologist makes the diagnosis on the basis of a check-up, anamnesis and additional examination. Mini-phlebectomy is prescribed for:

• varicoses of the superficial veins of the lower extremities up to 5 mm in diameter; smaller vessels (3-4 mm) are treated with sclerotherapy;

• complications of varicose veins (thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, etc.).

Mini-phlebectomy can be an independent surgery, and can also be combined with other methods of treating varicose veins, in particular with:

• ligation of perforating veins;

• endovenous laser ablation;

• crossectomy of the main trunk of the saphenous vein.


Relative. Pregnancy.

How is it going?

In the operating room of the surgical department with the necessary equipment and instruments. The surgery is performed by a phlebologist. One day before the surgery, the patient undergoes a complete comprehensive examination, which includes:

• general analyses (blood, urine);

• biochemical analyses, coagulogram;

• tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;

• X-ray of the chest / fluorography;

• ECG, ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities.

Stages of the surgery:

1. Aseptic treatment of the surgical field.

2. Local anaesthesia.

3. The doctor makes a puncture or mini-incision on the skin in the projection of the affected varicose node.

4. A phlebectomy hook is inserted into the puncture, the vein is separated, then pulled out.

5. Excision of the damaged part of the vessel.

6. Applying a sterile dressing to the puncture (incision) site.

7. Elastic bandaging of the legs or wearing a compression stocking.

There are two main methods of mini-phlebectomy. The surgeon determines which of them is more suitable for a specific patient.

1. According to Muller. The affected venous vessels are pulled out through mini-punctures in the skin. The holes are sealed with an adhesive bandage.

2. According to Varadi. The affected veins are extracted through mini-incisions using a special hook.

Full recovery after surgery takes an average of 4 weeks.

Viasan mini-phlebectomy: advantages

Our medical centre is actively developing the field of phlebology. The staff of the clinic includes experienced phlebologists, real professionals in their field, who operate in a certified surgery room according to the best European methods, using high-quality modern equipment and instruments.

хірург тернопіль, флеболог тернопіль, судинний хірург тернопіль
Pastukh Andriy
Surgeon, Radiologist
years experience
флеболог тернопіль
Matishynets Ivan
Surgeon, Phlebologist
years experience