Services and Prices
Removal of the appendix (appendectomy)

Removal of the appendix (appendectomy) in Ternopil

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the vermiform appendage of the caecum (appendix). A common pathology of the abdominal cavity that requires surgical intervention. The operation to remove the appendix (appendectomy) is in the vast majority of cases performed as an emergency. Failure to perform it or delaying it definitely ends in serious complications (peritonitis development) and has an extremely high risk of life-threatening.

Manifestations of acute appendicitis may be atypical. There are many anatomical nuances and topographic variants of the appendix location that can change the symptoms. Atypical forms are often differentiated with renal colic or intestinal infection. Therefore, in no case should you ignore abdominal pain of any intensity that has arisen suddenly. It is dangerous for life.

Pain in the right lower abdomen? Chills? Is the general condition worsening?

Urgent consultation of a surgeon is required!

Do not miss acute appendicitis! Viasan surgery. Call!

Typical symptoms of acute appendicitis:

  • pain in the area of the epigastrium, which passes after 12 hours to the right iliac region;
  • pain that increases when walking, changing body position, coughing;
  • abdominal muscle tension, tenderness during palpation;
  • increase in body temperature from subfebrile to 38 or more;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, episodes of vomiting attacks;
  • weakness, increasing deterioration of well-being;
  • intestinal bloating, constipation or diarrhoea.


There are two methods of performing the surgery:

1. Open

A classic cavity operation, in which an incision (up to 10 cm) is made in the lower right part of the abdominal wall to access the appendix.

2. Closed (laparoscopic)

Minimally invasive surgical intervention, which is performed through 3 miniature punctures in the abdominal wall (0.5-1 cm) using endoscopic instruments. It lasts an average of 40 minutes.

Surgery progress

Appendectomy is performed in a surgical hospital under general anaesthesia the type of which is prescribed by an anaesthesiologist. Laparoscopic appendectomy includes the following stages:

1. Preparing for surgery (treatment of the operative field, premedication, if necessary, infusion therapy).

2. The surgeon makes three punctures:

  • 1 cm above the navel;
  • 4 cm below the umbilical ring;
  • in the lower right part of the abdomen in the projection of the appendix.

3. Through the upper puncture, a laparoscope is introduced for revision and diagnosis of abdominal organs.

4. Miniature atraumatic forceps are inserted through the lower puncture to hold the appendix.

5. The appendix is cut off and pulled out of the abdominal cavity.

6. Sutures are applied, drainage is placed if necessary.

With laparoscopic appendectomy, it is possible to switch to classical cavity surgery. The indication is the presence of peritonitis or other pathology that requires rehabilitation of the abdominal cavity and expansion of the scope of surgical intervention.


The period of postoperative recovery depends on the method of appendectomy and the presence or absence of complications. After cavity surgeries, it is usually longer. With a normal course after a classic appendectomy, the patient is discharged on the 7th day with further outpatient treatment. After removal of appendicitis by the laparoscopic method, discharge is possible already on the 2nd-3rd day after the surgery.

Medical recommendations include:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • limitation of physical activity;
  • diet.

Appendectomy at Viasan Medical Centre

  • Modern multidisciplinary clinic.
  • Own surgical centre and laboratory.
  • Expert endoscopic equipment.
  • Experienced surgeons of expert level.
  • Surgery rooms that meet European standards.
  • Round-the-clock monitoring of the patient.
хірург тернопіль
Starytsʹkyy Roman
years experience
хірург тернопіль, флеболог тернопіль, судинний хірург тернопіль
Pastukh Andriy
Surgeon, Radiologist
years experience
проктолог тернопіль
Martsenyuk Grazhyna
Surgeon, Proctologist
years experience