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Ultrasound of the fetus during pregnancy

Ultrasound of the fetus during pregnancy in Ternopil: Viasan

Ultrasound of the fetus during pregnancy is an important part of prenatal screening that allows to determine the duration of pregnancy, the fact of multiple pregnancy, malformations of the embryo, as well as to assess the condition of the placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid. This information allows choosing the method of delivery and preventing complications during childbirth. After establishing the fact of conception, routine ultrasound of the fetus is performed three times, in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester. Unscheduled diagnosis is prescribed for complications of fetal development.

The essence of the procedure

For the first time ultrasound examination of the fetus is performed after 3 weeks of pregnancy. Its main symptoms are the absence of menstruation, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands etc. This ultrasound is transvaginal. At this stage, the one or several ovum can be visualized; ectopic pregnancy is excluded, the term of conception is determined. The woman is registered and given recommendations.

The first ultrasound screening takes place during the first trimester of pregnancy (11-14 weeks).

It determines:

  • the exact term of pregnancy;
  • the size of the fetus and its organs (head, torso, limbs);
  • the symmetry of the brain;
  • the coccygeal-parietal size;
  • the width of the cervical space;
  • the motor activity;
  • the heart rate;
  • the localization and structure of the chorion;
  • the structure and condition of the uterus.

It allows to detect:

  1. Chromosomal diseases incompatible with life (Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome).
  2. Typical signs of threatened abortion.

The second ultrasound screening takes place during the second trimester of pregnancy (18-24 weeks).

It determines:

  • the compliance of fetometric parameters;
  • the signs of intrauterine growth retardation;
  • the parameters, location, maturity of the placenta;
  • the number of umbilical cord vessels (norm is three);
  • the length of the cervix, width of the cervical canal;
  • the volume of amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios);
  • congenital malformations;
  • the gender of the child (optional).

Additional research in the second trimester is prescribed in case of impaired (or absent) fetal heartbeat, complaints of lower abdominal pain or the appearance of bloody discharge.

The third ultrasound screening takes place during the third trimester of pregnancy (30-34 weeks). It is performed to monitor the dynamics of child’s development and growth, as well as to diagnose late-manifesting anomalies.

It determines:

  • the presentation of the fetus (cephalic, breech, shoulder);
  • the fetometry (weight, size of the fetus and limbs, head volume, structure of internal organs);
  • the condition of the placenta (location, structure, degree of maturity);
  • the features of the umbilical cord, the presence of entanglement;
  • the condition of the uterus and birth canal.

A more detailed picture of the fetus condition is given by Doppler ultrasound of uteroplacental blood flow. It can be carried out according to the indications after 20 weeks of pregnancy to determine blood circulation in the placenta, umbilical cord and uterus. It can also diagnose placental abruption and assess the state of fetal hypoxia.


Pregnancy and childbearing.


No special preparation is required.

How it is performed

Standard ultrasound of the fetus during pregnancy is performed in 2D mode. Flat 2-dimensional images are obtained, which are updated at a speed of 20 frames per second. If necessary, the Doppler mode can be connected to determine blood flow in the areas, which are examined.

  1. The examination is performed in a supine position, exposing the abdomen and groin.
  2. Gel is applied to the skin to facilitate the sensor sliding.
  3. The diagnostician moves the sensor on the abdomen; the program processes the data and visualizes them on the monitor.

Advantages of ultrasound in Viasan:

  • a modern multidisciplinary medical centre;
  • a team of real professionals;
  • European diagnostic and treatment protocols;
  • Logiq P9 (General Electric) high-precision device. Only we have it!
  • 1-st trimester 800.00 uah Make order
    2-nd trimester 900.00 uah Make order
    3-rd trimester 900.00 uah Make order
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УЗД тернопіль
Savonenko Iryna
years experience
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Talabishka Vasylʹ
Gynecologist, Radiologist
years experience